The Top Water Truth by Kent Brown

The Top Water Truth by Kent Brown


the topwater

By kenT Brown

Story & Photos



hile many anglers frown at the thought of tying on a topwater lure before the summer sun shines, in reality, that theory doesn’t hold wa- ter. Most of us can’t help thinking that way; it was ingrained in us as youngsters. Growin’ up, we didn’t think about throwin’ anything on top until June. Nowadays, that bass bait belief falls into one of the May to September standards; from Memorial day to labor day you can count on the powers that be

to raise gas prices, white shoes to come out of the closet and anglers to think in terms of a topwater bait. let’s dispel that myth, here and now. it doesn’t have to be summer to take out the topwater.


There are three factors that are key to knowing when a surface bait should be on the end of your line. First, you want to take a look at your lake. is the