Winter 2018
locating the fish and determining the phase that the fish are in and I try to tune in the baits and the best presentation for them?
WB: Do you have advice on how to be a successful co-angler, for guys that are considering taking on the Tour as a co?
HARAGUCHI: I would say…
#1 Try to soak in everything you can from your pro. Everybody has their own style; so, you just take
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HARAGUCHI: Basically, I fished real clean this year. Last year, I lost a couple of big fish through the season. That’s just something that happens to everybody in fishing; but one fish here or there is what makes the difference.
Also, I think I am fishing more instinctively.
This year, the pre-fish times were pretty tough and overall, the tournaments were pretty tough. So, I took what I learned from practice, but kept an open mind and fished the moment.
WB: During pre-fish, how do you make the most of the practice with your travel partner, considering you are on their boat, fishing what and how they want?
HARAGUCHI: This past year, I traveled with Jimmy Reese. At each stop, I can see how he approaches the pre-fishing, but we also work together as a team. He focuses on
what you like out of what they are doing and try to incorporate into what you like to do.
#2 Help with expenses. It costs the pro a lot of money and it’s just like traveling with a partner, you should pay your part.
#3 It is super important to be versatile. You are not trying to compete with the guy in the front of the boat, so you pay attention to see how they are targeting their fish; but ultimately you are going