Gary Haraguchi King of the Co Anglers FLW Tour AOY Champion by Jody Only

How to be a successful co angler fishing the FLW Tour


Winter 2018

WB: We know you’ve been fishing the FLW Tour as a co-angler for four years. How did you get started?

HARAGUCHI: I first started out fishing in the late ‘90s. I didn’t know anybody that was in to it. So, it took me awhile to learn.

WB: Rumor has it that you’ve transplanted out of California. Is that true?

HARAGUCHI: Not exactly. In June, my wife had an opportunity to do some work in Tennessee; so, we came out to do that. We are staying in Franklin, Tenn., which is about 20 minutes south of Nashville. Right now, we are just visiting – we didn’t move permanently. We are still weighing our options.

WB: What insight can you share as a Westerner that is fishing

all over the country in the FLW

Tour as a co-angler?

HARAGUCHI: The fishing is

definitely better out West

than anywhere else, as

far as lakes and quality.

Growing up in the Bay Area

of California, there is just so

many types of fisheries, that you learn that you have to be versatile. We have tidal fisheries, reservoirs, natural lakes. If you can fish what we have out in California, it gets you ready for whatever you will face out on the Tour.

WB: Let’s talk about the amazing season that you are coming off of. Is there anything that stands out this year to you that made the difference in your success?
