Proven Pre-Fish Strategies at home by Marc Marcantonio

Proven Pre-Fish Strategies at home
by Marc Marcantonio

Pre-fish strategies proven

Pre -fIsh

Story & Photos

by marc marcantonIo

at home


ow is it that certain anglers rise above all others on tournament day? Many will say the winner had flawless execution, never missing a bite or losing a bass. While they are likely correct, they may be missing the bigger point. The reason any competitor consistently remains on stage, holding the trophy after the others leave, is their ability to create their own “luck”. a wise person defined luck as when preparation intersects with opportunity. Those who win angler of the Year (at any level) have learned to be effective and efficient in their pre-fish strategies. Sure, flawless execution is important on tournament day, but many competitors execute well

and still donate to the winner’s retirement fund. This article will reveal proven strategies to help you build your own retirement fund.


Preparation starts with homework. learn to love doing your homework and you are on your way to creating your own luck. When fishing a new body of water, the internet is a great place to start. You would be wise to use a search engine to learn the history of the water. as a fishery biologist, when Delaware team event 19 75 i find a scientific study describing the water i plan to fish, i mine that gold for all it is worth. The most important information includes forage species, spawning areas, and population distribution. Many studies include data on bass size, and they map areas where large bass were observed. The forage information tells you what bass eat, and helps