(714)668-9011 • www.ownerhooks.com
X-STRONG – Perfect for replacing trebleson freshwaterand inshore
baits. Thesearea great for fishing areas withlotsof grassorcoverthat makefishing withtreblehooks virtually impossible. Thesesingle hooks area lot lessdamaging to fish whenpracticing catch and release. Always besureto rig thefront hook withthepoint facing forward andtherear facing rear. Features includeBlack Chromefinishand SuperNeedle Point.
XXX-STRONG –Greatforreplacingtreblesonlarge saltwaterbaits. Made
withZo-Wire™, thewirestrengthisstronger thanothertraditionalhigh
carbon steel wires. Thismeanssmaller hook wirediameters forbetter
penetrationanda Super NeedlePoint that will not rolloverordull. These
singlehooksareless damaging to fishwhen practicing hookandrelease,and
also safer for angler’swhenhandling fishonboatdecks. Theseareperfect for handling thelargestof Tuna (if the lurecanholdup), and GiantTrevally. FeaturesincludeVacum-tinnedfinishfor corrosionprevention,andSuper Needle Point.
Similar to theST-36 seriesbut with a short shankandwider gaps.Shorter
shanksallow larger gappedhooksto beusedwithout thefear oftreblesfouling
oneachother andby natureof thedesign, short shanksflex less. This treblealso
features150°PPP (PremiumPoint Position– seeillustration) thatsplits 2hook
pointsout150°vs.thetypical 120°betweenall 3points. Opening thisgap allows the
hook pointsto bepositionedslightly farther out from thehardbaitbody,making
forhookups thatotherwisemight nothappen. ThistrebleincludesOwner’s Silky Grayfrictionlessfinishthat encouragesuperior hookpenetration through gillplates andthetoughest partsof themouth. Other featuresincluderound bends,andSuper Needle Points.
Thepivot Head wasdesignedto beusedon swimbaits. They can be fishedindividually
orinmultiples onumbrella rigs. Thecombinationof the“bean”shaped headandthe
split ring joint betweentheheadand hook allow for anerraticswim patternthatdrives
fishcrazy. Theweedlessversionisdesignedto beTexasriggedwith thehookpointrid- ingonthetopof a bait. Whenfishing inopenwater conditions,the Straightshank ver- sion, featuring Cutting Point™,canbeusedfor higher hook-up rates. Theheads comein ablack mattefinishandthehooksareblackchrome.
TheJungleFlipping Hookwasdesignedto withstandheavy braidedline use and the
toughestofconditions. MadewithZo-Wire™, thewire strengthisstrongerthanother
traditionalhighcarbonsteel wires. Thismeanssmaller hookwirediameters forbetter
penetrationanda Super NeedlePoint thatwillnot rollover or dull. Theeye is100%closedto preventknotsfrom“slipping out.” Thebaitkeeper ismeticulously wrappedontotheshank ofthehookto prevent thekeeper itself fromsliding or spinning. Also featuredis Owner’s Silky Gray frictionlessfinish thatencouragesuperior hookpenetrationand helps with bait clearance on hooksets.