A Substantially Overlooked Part Of Sponsorship By Ben Green

A Substantially Overlooked Part Of Sponsorship
By Ben Green


Spring 2021


2021 is here! This situation is fictitious. The threat of this happening to a

substantial number of anglers and community businesses is real. Please take time to review this information. This is an article designed to inform.

a substantially overlooked part of

page 48

Wraps, Logos and Sponsors, Oh My!


ere is the story of “Big Bass Hunter Barth”

the logo lover. Barth was out driving his 2019

Silverado with a great vehicle wrap. He was able to secure some discount sponsors and his

buddy made him some jigs. He also was given $300 from his

local tackle store to help with entry fees.

Barth proudly displayed the logos from these folks on his

tow rig. As Barth was headed out to the lake on tournament

day, he was primed for success. He was confident in his

practice and he was on em’ for sure. As Barth headed down

the dark road, his co-angler texted him to let him know he

was on time at the bathrooms where they would meet.

Barth wanted to let the co-angler know he was on time

as well, so he grabbed his phone.

Barth was reaching for his phone when he realized his

turn was coming up, slammed on the brakes, lost control and

rear ended a parked minivan.

In the minivan, a man was significantly injured who passed away from his injuries.

The insurance company Barth has purchased his auto policy from was not aware of the advertising wrap nor, the financial / discount relationship with the companies that support Barth.

The company denied the entire claim as the vehicle was insured for personal use and not commercial use.

In the state appeal, the insurance company won. Barth’s vehicle damage was not paid. Barth now owned a $40,000 paperweight that he was still making payments on.

Barth’s boat was totaled. His insurance company covered the boat and not any liability as it was attached to the truck.

Barth let the family of the deceased know that he did not have the correct policy and the family was not able to collect. The family of the deceased hired an attorney.