DC th AO U i N n G ’ T k H G i T n E g T
Story & photos
ust about every time I cover a big tour-
nament, it never ceases to amaze me
how large a percentage of the field takes
themselves out of the running with one simple decision to focus on something that
USUALLY works at this lake.
I’ve seen it at lakes all over the country, and
while it doesn’t surprise me to see it at lower level
tournaments, I don’t expect to see it happening
so much at national level events. Sure, there are
times that even the best anglers in the business get turned around and can’t find the bite. I’ve talked to a few anglers on the Elite Series and FLW Tour who even a week or two after a bad event will tell me, “I still don’t know what happened,” or the ever popular, “I’m still completely lost as to what happened out there.”
Those responses are typically reserved for after an event. The one I hear often is, “I know they’re there, and if I just keep trying I’ll figure