rd shop th at the anaheim November 23 & 24 professional main stage speakers workshop speakers:
Southern fishing ▶ rusty Brown - us open Champion California’S seminars, ▶ BuB tosh Premier Boat tackle expo ▶ Brent ehrler - speCial workshop on DealerShiP
Go pro Cameras & boat show
over 100 tackle companies will be displaying their latest and greatest product featuring
eXCluSiVe SPeCial offerS & DiSCountS
JaSon ChriStie
aaron martenS
GeralD SwinDle
ruSty Brown
Photo by George Kramer
2014 anGlerS marine CuStomer aPPreCiation tournament trail:
lowranCe eleCtroniCS uniVerSity
you would pay hundreds to attend anywhere else.
free for our CuStomerS, only at the BaSS-a-thon
▶ January 11 th - Diamond Valley lake ▶ february 22 nd - el Capitan lake ▶ april 19 th - Castaic lake ▶ June 23 rd - DVl [night]