Bas s- a- Tho n:
by jody only
Then & Now
“We want to give fishermen everything from the newest and hottest products from the tournament pros that has have the most recent success to the old favorites from the bass fishing legends,” exclaimed rick Grover from anglers Marine as he described the ongoing objective of Bass-a-Thon. He continued saying, “and that is something i think we have done for the past 25-years that the show has been around.”
reminiscing about the annual event that over the past quarter of a century has become a staple to the bass fishing industry in the West, Grover said, “i think the biggest difference is that we are more
seminar-oriented than we used to be.”
lowrance class is the biggest draw. Three years ago
Grover explained that the inaugural Bass-a-Thon i asked the people to raise their hands if they had an
basically got its start when competitive bass fishing
HdS and only two did; this year i don’t think there were
in Southern California was still in its infancy and that
two that didn’t have one,” said fishing icon don iovino.
the original event was focused on lowrance and
Grover attributes the information craze to the
promoting the electronics.
theory that the fishermen with the most knowledge
“over the years we have become more seminar
will have the most success. He elaborated saying, “it
oriented to meet the needs of the customer. These
is a lot different type of bass fishing down here in than
days fishermen have a quest for fishing knowledge
it is in other places, like Northern California. We are all
that just wasn’t there in the past,” said Grover. The
competing for fish on really small lakes that have a lot of
lowrance promotion has developed into an electronics pressure. We always have to be on the cutting edge to
school worthy of a pricey tuition. “i think, the
catch fish. as a fishermen, you can never learn enough.”