Ma jo r Le ag u e F i shi ng
P er s Pe ct iv e
by dan o’sullIVan
here are times that we can kind of let
ourselves get a case of tunnel vision. We
can get ourselves so concerned with our
local happenings that we overlook things that can be significant. of course the opposite can
be true, we can become so focused on the external
that we lose sight of what’s in front of us. There is a
new event taking place in bass fishing that looks like
it will have an impact.
Quietly, with most of the industry, and the del rio community unaware, the inaugural Major league Fishing event took place at lake amistad in early November, and i was fortunate enough to be there. in fact, though i was hired to be the on the water photographer and a staff writer for the event; at heart, i am the editor of advanced, and was one of only two independent media types there. The other was lynne Burkhead, who used to do work with eSPN outdoors, and now has a regular outdoor