Westernbass Magazine August 2011, Page 25

Westernbass Magazine August 2011, Page 25


t‘s the last day of July and there are pre-

spawn bass all over; they don't even have

one mark and there are plenty of 'em that are

full of eggs,” exclaimed Bassmaster and FlW champion Charlie Weyer. “There is still another

wave of the spawn to come.” excited about the

prospect of the unexpected, late summer spawn,

Weyer went above and below the water to scout the

California delta and shared the " when, where, why

and how" he would attack this late wave of spawners.


Keeping in mind that water’s temperature is a factor in locating bed fish, Weyer explained the

surface temp relates to the first 5 to 10-feet of water and the water column below that can be up to 8-degrees cooler. He explained that main river channels always spawn last because of the amount, movement and depth of flowing water. referring to the California delta he stated, “The North stays cooler due to its proximity to the main river channel; that would be where i would target the last wave of the spawn to hit."

When picking a spot, he suggested flats, rocks, rock walls, islands and marinas. He also said, “Start looking for beds in 5-feet of water or less, depending on water clarity and the strength of your vision; in deeper areas shell beds on hard bottoms are easy to see."

Issue 3  August 2011