Adventure Theater | 2019 ISE Sacramento | Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Stage

Adventure Theater | 2019 ISE Sacramento | Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Stage

O ut do or P r o du ct Sh o w c a se

AB( O ul i o uW lw t d de i e n ol r c g o ) ormHaelCl oafliFfaomrneiars!

O n S atu r d ay aft e rnoo n,

p le a se st o p by at 4: 3 0pm t o

wth e el cC o am li f e o2 rn 0i 1a8Oi un td d S uo p c ot o re eH n sa s li l n o o t o r f ed by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Fame. Th e S p r p e s o e r n t ta s t m ion a w n i l ’ l s b W e arehouse, this new stage focuses on gear and

hT o o ms t e Sd ti e b nys btre a s ,t h -sae ll l-l oi t nf e - g f c aa h mut n eh ro i a q rn u d es for hunting and outdoor adventures.

o u tdo o r c olu mnis t for the San

Fr a n c i P s A co RR C E h Y r o C n R ic E l M e . EANS is an outfitter


and the Mossy Oak Big Game

FISH: Come learn about the wide

Regional Pro Staff Manager. An avid

variety of D-I-Y opportunities that

bowhunter for decades, Parrey

Idaho has to offer, including: how

has taken a dozen Pope and Young

to pick a hunt and location that

blacktail bucks. He’ll share tips at his

meets your specific needs, and key

deer talk.

dates for both general hunts (over-

the-counter) and controlled hunts.

ED MIGALE: An award-winning

Born and raised in Idaho, host Justin

outdoor writer, Ed has hunted

Williams has been an avid hunter

turkeys in nine US states as well

for over 33 years and has worked for

as Sonora, Mexico, and is one of

the Department for 22.

the few hunters who has achieved

turkey hunting’s “Royal Slam”--the


taking of all five subspecies of wild

organizations have the resources,

turkeys found in North America.

experience and team the National

Come learn how to bag a wise old

Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)

gobbler in the spring woods.

Outdoor Adventures with his wife,

has. The Expo welcomes a world

Regina. His intense presentations

leader in outdoor training. Don’t

JEN O’HARA is CEO and co-founder on hunting ducks and wild hogs will miss these new presentations: 1)

of exhibitor Girls with Guns

cover everything from regulations

Managing Wounds in the Outdoors;

Clothing. Hunter, conservationist,

and requirements, gear and hunting and 2) Sprains & Strains.

and business owner, Jen is dedicated tips and tactics.

to ensuring that women have access


to quality, affordable outdoor

JAMES STONE owns The Elite

by Wilderness Archery, come

apparel and hunting gear. When not Sportsmen Guide Service. His

meet and talk new and old gear

directing day-to-day operations at seminar will cover topics that

with representatives from four of

GWG HQ, Jen is shooting clays in her greatly affect your duck- and

the biggest archery brands: Bear,

backyard, spending time with her

goose-hunting success in the field, BOWTECH, Hoyt and PSE.

family, and teaching local youth how including: hunting factors commonly

to shoot and hunt. She co-hosts “Girls overlooked while going to the blind, NORTHERN FIREARMS INSTRUCTION :

with Guns TV”, which airs on Pursuit such as decoy placement, motion

Here’s your chance to ask top

Channel and CarbonTV.

decoys, styles of decoys, wind

instructors your firearm questions.

direction, field location and purpose, The focus is on how to get the most

CASEY STAFFORD is a full-time guide concealment, dog hide, and calling out of your old gun and use your

who co-owns Colusa-based CICC


new one to be more successful!

Ed Migale

Parrey Cremeans

James Stone

Casey Stafford

Jen O’Hara