shoreline Marine 2016 Catalog !, Page 4

shoreline Marine 2016 Catalog !, Page 4

Shoreline Marine Product Testing & Quality Control Procedures

P mco u an r rt p irno o el s ips e r : otoTdhpuercotpsvuiadrteptaocisnoeanbsolufemina-ethraosnuthsaeeffotberedssatitnbpgleearpfnordircmepi.rnogduct Types Of Testing And Benefits: N ar p t i o pm oen rr e n o v om te w hie cd s, e e e w u iao P ddc tnnpe i r utas d o srs rt o e d e t j dt u dol l u e s a ys u c p va t bc a e t e c p t s alh c T a wo s s i i e sf pe i i ig l s s a c vl n t t nreh tt i e e ho n eia d q e n g t pui h p a t n r-ii a arao et Ae t ls e d w l p ss s mluoai rti cn od wum p tg ed ls r tfp au i o rrpouel cf el si mess tl . et u ta Ttc y otl tg thh p h h . e tea e e e en . s nw sg T get h r by eoa e p ep su n r g p i no c a i r tn dd a no h u l dd etl u yh cu y pt e cs. fi t t M r a e f s rr s a t oe t n c m in y ogm da e y pf C aiptptsehorrnrs u rrsooodout r ydddeu r eenuuu e dgsaeccc n hbrtttwa t sisooeqnl. P uynfyudoTt r oarqr o hrtenlheuipi d vtdseayari u soctiltin c eiesdettyd t sdsuos i tuu o tlcnipe.nse n trTvgatsioremh T ydasal e ispsculsrs s erhtcaaooa t etn i ldsvn n ladodieds g tluwlhmaocclae-sroowedtdTvnunssecessttosiu.rtwmaettusToiinndlethdhttg.mloleiynopcofepteoduhnrrrerieoifefrtloordiesavwrrunenmeicotedsratpueuspwnrrprosachcogidertuederusarncurctdhecateiatngosrtnnteadnt i t C otlna h ov o nb e eoo m urt e vhlon n p aeod t a t i ri r kev r e ce a reod t m r,m i e. v c a aWo e p r lme in l T eitf e e pietci s evo p s t tem r i i ct n o iemvp d g nea u aa-r c pnreS t iruoo f itfm i shad e .ecu l p d Ttclpueht t ers o ieisr.nfr e oast n rh'llm s poo u rwuao r g e nsdhcuu o etcs u bto r stuof d tion e bou v eftrt e htetp l ee o nrr p toe m mdsut e oicn n ntg t isto o r f tpt T afpopeoe e rrlrflrssooof s cttaudddii t unnis i uuul n ruggcccrt g reotttt—eantwi t .mhhnt o Teaaakipnh F vtlsprldeiwo a srpfuovo i irp l alsedol u rrtllmudolru r aoy e cudpsweecust-ntstctomasUtatunsonsupusdndilonsxtatiundtapomerbeldcsedimrodsotge.nsemeoetWetnhrhppagftisusihelsfeeyriroptldtteyhlitnaeohpiessnsvneer.otefottmworleIheftfreseesesitstaiehstirinaktsunefagntalopmitndniittolndoagsupig/nrontoamdhtircinlnielianoosntayamw.p-ehlobpstvmowieaenfuotasorttsynsetreerr a I ctw n eones d ndt e aisnh p lisdgo e oenl n arets d ebs e ssittts n tceep t oslr a fvot n aedrlre d uwinsc T augtsy h ltmss i w r cu d aitolhnt P ridpro a elevp r c t ert y ionrwdd T 8ouu e sucs s ptlt t dreq i y n cbu g sieaatlal-iaitznAyel.dinadFayboriindtlreidsttsy.hetitpsloaerbanecdtahcesaunotrtnate