Winter 2021
get my house that clean. But, working with them on lures is fun and it makes me a better fisherman.”
Since Monroe and Martens first visited Japan, the figurative distance between the
two countries has faded slightly, as JDM
tackle has become more widespread, eBay
has made it more readily accessible, and the
internet has shrunk the world. Nevertheless,
there remains a certain mystique.
“We love all Japanese products and
they love all U.S. products,” Monroe said.
“Look at Takahiro. He loves old school balsa
For U.S. anglers, there remains a
certain thrill of the foreign as well. Martens
fished a tournament in Spain and found
it to be remarkably similar to his state of
“The way they talked reminded me
of my friends,” he said. “They seemed like
Valley people, like guys in my old bass
club. Even the weather was similar and
the rocks and lakes looked the same.”
Spain may turn out to be the “next
Japan” or it might not. Bass have spread
wide swaths of Europe, Asia, Africa and
South America, so the greatest room for
the sport’s growth may be on another
continent. Now we wonder, which
future pro will be the first one to figure
it out? •
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