(714)668-9011 • www.ownerhooks.com
X-STRONG –Perfectfor replacing trebles onfreshwaterandinshore
baits. Thesearea great for fishing areaswithlots of grass orcoverthat makefishing withtreblehooksvirtually impossible. These single hooks area lotless damaging to fishwhenpracticing catch and release. Always besure to rig thefront hookwiththe pointfacing forward andthe rear facing rear. FeaturesincludeBlackChromefinishand SuperNeedle Point.
XXX-STRONG –Greatforreplacingtreblesonlarge saltwaterbaits. Made
withZo-Wire™, the wirestrengthisstronger thanothertraditionalhigh
carbonsteelwires. Thismeanssmaller hookwirediameters forbetter
penetrationanda Super NeedlePointthat will notroll overordull. These
singlehooks arelessdamaging to fishwhenpracticing hook and release,and
also safer for angler’swhenhandling fishon boat decks. These areperfect for handling thelargest of Tuna (if thelurecanholdup), and GiantTrevally. FeaturesincludeVacum-tinnedfinishfor corrosionprevention,and Super Needle Point.
Similar to theST-36seriesbut witha short shankand wider gaps.Shorter
shanksallow larger gappedhooksto beusedwithout thefearof trebles fouling
oneachother andby natureof thedesign, shortshanksflex less. Thistreble also
features150°PPP (PremiumPoint Position– seeillustration) thatsplits 2hook
pointsout 150°vs. thetypical 120°betweenall 3points. Openingthis gapallows the
hookpoints to bepositioned slightly farther out fromthehardbaitbody,making
for hookupsthat otherwisemight not happen. Opening thegap to150°alsoallows
hooksto do lessdamageto baitsandkeeppoint sharper overtime. This treblein-
cludes Owner’sSilky Gray frictionlessfinish that encouragesuperiorhook penetra- tionthroughgillplatesandthetoughest partsof the mouth. Other features include round bends, andSuper NeedlePoints. Whenrigging baitsalways rigthefronttreble withthe pointinlinewiththeeye, facing forward, andtherear in line pointfacingrear.
ThepivotHeadwasdesignedto beusedonswim baits. Theycanbe fished individually
orinmultiplesonumbrella rigs. Thecombination of the“bean”shaped head and the
splitring jointbetweentheheadandhookallow for anerraticswim pattern thatdrives
fishcrazy. The weedlessversionis designedto beTexasriggedwith the hookpointrid- ing onthe topof a bait. Whenfishing inopenwater conditions, theStraightshankver- sion,featuring Cutting Point™, canbe usedfor higherhook-uprates. Theheadscome in ablack matte finishandthehooksareblackchrome.
The JungleFlipping Hookwasdesigned to withstandheavybraidedline useandthe
toughest ofconditions. MadewithZo-Wire™, thewirestrengthis strongerthan other
traditionalhighcarbonsteel wires. Thismeanssmaller hookwirediameters forbetter
penetrationanda SuperNeedle Point that will not roll over ordull. The eye is100%closed to prevent knots from“slipping out.” Thebait keeper ismeticulously wrapped ontothe shank ofthehookto prevent thekeeper itself from sliding or spinning. Also featuredis Owner’s SilkyGray frictionlessfinishthat encouragesuperior hook penetrationand helpswith bait clearance onhooksets.