Westernbass Magazine - FREE Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - Winter 2016, Page 26

Westernbass Magazine - FREE Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - Winter 2016, Page 26

very humble and very blessed to have the season that I’ve had. I’m just looking forward to keeping the momentum going. I don’t want to be one of these one-hit- wonders.

WB: You said

you set the goal to

win AOY for yourself;

besides the different mindset that you mentioned, what did you do different to achieve your goal?

Uribe: I only get two to three days of practice, but I fish hard at practice. I fish really hard. I make a lot of casts and cover a lot of water A lot of guys might have a lot more practice time than I do, but I really utilize that little bit of time that I do have. I maximize my time. I fish from sunup to sundown. I am the first one on the water and the last one off, every day. I’ve got the clock running.

My sister fished with me again

this year. It has been a huge help

to my success. I can’t thank her

enough for being out there on

the water fishing hard and never

Bridgford Promotion. Courtesy of Joe Uribe Jr.

complaining. She is always doing something totally different than me and we’re both trying to figure something out. She’s trying to figure out what she needs be

doing in the back and not trying

to compete with me, so she opens up

a lot of doors for me. She will find something that I

would’ve never found. I think that has been a very

huge part of my success this year. Obviously being

brother and sister, having that bond, just fishing well

together makes it a lot more fun.

WB: Has this season changed the trajectory of your fishing career?

Uribe: It hasn’t. A lot of people of asked me if I was going to step it up and go fish the FLW Tour, but there’s a lot of things that have to happen to do that.

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