r T B J F h S B A h i o w h A r o L g e e T L o Vo u a a S R a u C i iS d s P t S s d d l i k n e e i g o T U e c b h y d H - k L™ R a o OP l c O l O k KS ® S ( E 714)668-9011 • www.ownerhooks.com T y p e
All Purpose Soft Bait
Hooks have an extra wide
gapthatwillaccommodate thickersoftplasticbaitsforweedless rigging. RatedX-strong,andfeaturesincludeaZ-lockshoul - derbend,SuperNeedlePointandblackchromefinish.
ofplasticworm. RatedX-strong,anda Z-lockshoulderbendmakesforquickrigging andholdsthewormheadupbytheeye. Featuresincludearound bend, super Needle Point and black chrome finish.
Thehookis“free-floating”fromtheweighttoallowmaxi -
mumbaitmovement. WiththeCPS
attached to the eye of the JigRig™ hook,
baitscanbe “permanently”secured
by inserting the pin in the center of the nose of a soft plastic, which can then be screwed onto the Twistlock® coil spring so thatanybaitwillrigperfectlyeverytime!
anexposedhook. Plus,leadmoldeduptothe
collection. Featuresincludebarbed bait-holdershank,SuperNeedlePoint andblackchromefinishhookwith a green pumpkin colored head.
“Centering Pin Spring” (CPS - US Patent 7,841,127) molded
intothelead. Thefootballshapedheadiscontouredonthe
bottom to promote a rocking motion in the plane of the hook to
Features includearoundbend,lightwirehook witha45°cross-eye,SuperNeedlePointand blackchromefinish. HeadsavailableinNatu - ralandGreenPumpkincolors.