By Wayne Wasulko
Hello again WesternBass readers,
as we close out 2013, we want to thank you for another great year at WesternBass.com. This issue our cover story features one of the industry’s greats - Mike Folkestad as he highlights what WesternBass is all about - the bass angling life.
Most recently this year, WesternBass.com introduced a newly revamped website design. We have heard lots of positive information and hope that you are enjoying the user-friendly format.
We would like to take this time to also express our appreciation to our site and magazine advertisers and hope that you continue to support them, as they help make both the site and this free magazine possible.
2014 will certainly have more things to offer our viewers as we kick off the season at the iSe show in Sacramento. WesternBass will once again be hosting the demo tank. Stop by and say hi while you are there.
Wishing you lots of great fishing for the New Year!
Winter 2014 • Volume 4, issue 1
EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher - Wayne Wasulko Content editor - Jody only art director - Mike Margineanu (m-Graphix)
ADVERTISING Sales/Marketing Manager - John Caulfield (916) 417-7127 john@westernbass.com
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS/PHOTOGRAPHERS/ VIDEOGRAPHERS tyler Brinks, david a. Brown, ray diaz, Jen edgar, Marc Marcantonio, ADmINISTRATION Jody only, dan o’Sullivan, dan rice, Ken Sauret Publisher - Wayne Wasulko
WesternBass.Com ® llC Magazine P.o. Box 1278, Citrus Heights, Ca 95610 (916) 782-9540
WesternBass.Com ® llC Magazine
Volume 4, issue 1, Winter 2014
(916) 782-9540 wayneg@westernbass.com
Unsolicited manuscripts, accepted and, if not used, returned. Unsolicited email attachments will be deleted without opening. Please submit query letters detailing story ideas. reader-submitted letters and photos may be published without notification, and all rights retained by WesternBass.Com ® llC Magazine.
This is a Free publication to all internet users. Copyright © 2013 WesternBass.Com ® llC Magazine. all rights reserved. Manufactured and presented in and from the United States of america for all bass anglers worldwide.
winter 2014