Westernbass Magazine - FREE Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - Winter 2014, Page 26

Westernbass Magazine - FREE Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - Winter 2014, Page 26

to your success close to the vest? if you represent a company and use their products successfully, other fishermen need to know about that, so your sponsor can sell more product. do you present yourself in a professional manner? do you wear appropriate clothing at events? are you cautious about your language around fellow anglers? are your boat and truck clean and organized? These are some examples of the kind of perceptions that you will need to think about if you are going to go after sponsorships. Prospective companies certainly will! take a good, honest look at yourself, look at other successful pros and make any changes that will help you be successful. ask yourself ... who is it that you admire in the professional ranks both regionally and nationally? look at how they conduct themselves around other anglers and in public. do they have integrity and credibility with others in the sport? The successful pros do and they help their sponsors sell more of their products and services. This is how they are able to keep their sponsorships year after year.

boat fishing big tournaments and winning to seek sponsors and be successful. i secured most of my sponsors when i was fishing as an amateur from the back of the boat in Pro/am tournaments. You don’t need to have the newest boat, either. Clean up your current boat and get out there and make a name for yourself. Become the kind of person whom others want to associate with. When you become someone who exhibits the attributes of those whom are successful, then you will begin to build the relationships that will be the foundation to your bass fishing career. relationships with other anglers, company representative’s, and industry contacts with magazines or fishing organizations will be the springboard that will launch your success.


Put together a resume along with a cover letter telling prospective companies about you so they know a little about whom they are considering putting on their pro staff. There are many examples of how to create a resume on the internet. Just search for ideas and create your own. For an example you can go to my web site and look at the one i use. it is continually being updated making it current.

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Start where you are. You don’t need to be a pro on the front of the


When you get to the level in your fishing career where you want to add sponsors to your schedule, this is the time when you need to realize you are starting your own small business. This is not for everyone, but for those who can be creative in the market place, work hard and accomplish your goals; this process will prove to be one of the most rewarding ventures in your life. if creating a successful business were easy then everyone would have one; but only a few have what it takes. Your fishing business is no different. This will take a measure of determination that will test you and force you to grow, personally. For example, i have heard it said that speaking in front of people is more
