and it costs $250 to $300 a day. That is when a good sponsor comes into play.
WB: How easy is it to secure sponsorship these days? Lintner: Harder than it used to be. The competition for sponsors is really hard; but you’ve just got to have financial backing to justify the expense, the bills and still pay your mortgage at home. You have to remember not only are you racking up expenses, you’re on the road 80 to 110 days where you’re not working a regular job, so you have no income for a third of the year, unless you’re cashing a check.
WB: What is your advice on securing a sponsor? Lintner: a sponsorship is a job. it is not just about fishing. You have to figure you’re going to work another 45 or 50 days a year for your sponsor. My big one is tackle Warehouse. i spend time working for them - VloGS and things like that. i work for them but because they are local, i’m home in the evening. Sponsors are not always local; so you may have to spend time traveling for them also.
WB: in your opinion, is it different for guys that aren’t from the West? Lintner: it is significantly different. if you think about guys that are in okla. and ark. they can be at any location in 18 to 20 hours. For me, it takes days. When they’re done, they drive home. When i’m done, i have to drive for days or leave all my stuff somewhere - tackle, gear, boat etc. and fly home with nothing.
WB: What keeps you going back each year? Lintner: to be put in a group of guys in your sport that are considered to be the most elite in the nation, to be in that class of fisherman is what i’ve always dreamed of. Having the opportunity to fish for a living outweighs any other job. i look forward to it. if you have the opportunity, you had better do it. if i wouldn’t have tried, i would’ve always thought i could’ve done it; but i didn’t do it. But, i will say it is definitely more of a job than i ever thought it would be. it is not like you see on Saturday morning television.
WB: What advice do you have for someone who wants to follow in your footsteps and make that leap WB: Would you say the financial aspect is the into a touring pro? hardest thing about being on tour? Lintner: i have to say the key thing is having a Lintner: it is also hard to be away from home. support group. if you have a family, they better be i try to fly home as much as i can. i spend a couple behind you, if you’re going to go; because if they don’t thousand more each year just on flights home; but it support you, you won’t be able to concentrate. You is worth it to get more family time. Plus, when school also better get a sponsor and work your tail off for is out, the family can fly out to me, sometimes. it them. it will be very hard to do it without a sponsor’s takes time away from them. i miss birthdays and kid’s help. Some guys think they just won, so sponsors games and school functions. it is especially hard with will be standing in line for them. That is not how it young boys that want to play basketball and go fishin’. works. results aren’t as it can be brutal. My wife important as moving Jayden d n a e takes care of things product. s e ll A , C J n e r d il h c h it e Keri w if w d n a d e r a J at home. Without a good wife at home, it Jared Lintner would be impossible resides in Arroyo and the kids are Grande, California. good kids. i think He is a 3-time they understand and Classic qualifier, has they’ve been able to accumulated over travel more than most $600,000 in B.A.S.S kids. They’ve been earnings and claimed coast to coast; so they 11 top-10 finishes get experiences they that includes a wouldn’t be able to championship on have also. Clear Lake.
Issue 6
December 2012