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Summer 2023


look like the real thing, and swim like the real thing makes these selections a hard offering to refuse for a lurking lunker. We are primarily trying to represent a bluegill or baby bass will these larger swimmers.


If I am certain that there are big bass in an area, and they are not will to commit to reaction or realistic presentations. I will slow things down.


For years now I have relied on either a jig or a Senko. There are not a lot of options needed for this style of fishing. And, these two options will get the job done. Both selections can be used to replicate all three forage types. The idea when fishing these is to slow down and have the bait near the fish for a long enough time to coax a bite. Trailer options and rigging methods are practically endless. Finding what the fish want comes with experimentation.




This is absolutely the most crucial aspect of catching big bass during the heat of the summer. The fish are going to have windows of opportunity in which they can move shallow at the most optimal time to capture a big meal. Looking for and understanding feeding windows is the name of the game. To keep things simple, there are two things to look for. And those are lowlight (shade) and water movement (current). Without one of these two factors or both, your chances for success drastically decline. When both factors are present, the chance for a big bite is greatly increased.

So, after the excitement of the spring bass fishing frenzy and the post spawn extravaganza. We can confidently keep hitting the water with high hopes that another great fishing opportunity will be available. Start early and do not be afraid to toss all of the baits mentioned, at all hours of the day. You might be pleasantly surprised at the big fish that will feed on the hottest of days. •