proper catch and release care for hot weather and low oxygen levels in summer tournament fishing

livewell additives for bass fishing care


he health of your livewell system directly

affects the outcome of your tournament

– keep them in clean, working order and

your fish will reward you. Livewells are often overlooked in the daily or

weekly cleaning process, but a few steps could help

prevent mortality of your fish and subsequently, your

checking account.

Common household products that also double as

a livewell cleaner include Simple Green and Dawn dish

soap. Both products are gentle enough for the envi-

ronment, yet strong on cleaning residue, left overs

and unforeseen bacteria.

After buying my boat used, I noticed small pieces of matter entangled in the livewell screens and I used both cleaning products to get things back on track. As if catch, hold and release isn’t stressful enough for the bass we catch, a clean environment for our fish is just something that every angler should respect and implement.

Upon researching livewell cleaners and additives, I started noticing that companies generally