in bass. Because
they travel through the strike zone quickly, these lures force the bass to strike on instinct. Bass are hardwired to attack anything that looks like its escaping and a buzzbait takes full advantage of their predatory nature.
When fishing a single hook buzzbait, you can throw it in several different types of cover and water conditions. You can throw it over submerged grass, in between pads, under laydowns, along docks, and burning banks.
You can also add a trailer hook or stinger hook to help catch fish that short strike the bait. Some an- glers also add a soft plastic trailer to the back of the bait to add extra action and give it a more natural appearance.
Sure, there are plenty of buzz- baits that execute the topwater bite just as good as the next one. That said, there›s a new buzzbait on the
market that izing the buzz-
is revolution- bait industry.
It›s the Evolution Baits GrassBurner. This buzz- bait is unlike anything I›ve ever seen. This uniquely- designed bait is perfect for your summer topwater fishing. It comes equipped with a noisy front propeller that is specifically designed to mimic the sound of fleeing bait fish.
The detail on the body of the bait is so accurate that it looks exactly like a bait fish swimming on its side, while the back of the bait has a skirt similar to a jig.
The top of the bait is flat and white, so it’s a lot easier to see when the sun is beating off the water. Combine that with two giant treble hooks and your hookup ratio becomes way more consistent than your standard buzzbait. It makes a huge difference!
Often times, when fishing buzzbaits, the fish will
come up and swipe at
the bait in an attempt to
injure it. With a standard
single hook buzzbait,
you’re not going to hook
those fish very often, but
when they swipe at the
GrassBurner, you will hook
the majority of those fish,
in addition to the fish that
commit to the strike.
This buzzbait can pull
fish from all depths to the