( Lavini a e xi licauda c h i)
Past studies documented that Clear Lake hitch can reach 40-50 mm fork length (FL) by 3 months of age. By the end of their second year in Clear Lake a hitch will be between 150-300 mm FL. This level of growth is not observed in other waters and is largely attributed to Clear Lake’s high productivity.
Male hitch typically mature by age one, while fe- males mature by the end of their 3rd year.
In the Clear Lake basin, spawning occurs in tribu- tary streams, and the spawning migrations into tributary streams usually take place from as early as late- Febru-
ary through May and occasionally into June, depend- ing on stream flow.
Clear Lake hitch spawn in riffles, runs, and back water areas in very shallow water at the streams edge; they prefer clean, fine-to-medium gravel, and water temperatures from 14-18 C for spawning.
When spawning, each female is pursued by one to five males that fertilize the eggs as they are released.
After spawning, the adults do not die as salmon do, but instead make their way back to Clear Lake. It is
hypothesized that the females swim downstream
immediately after spawning, but that the males
may linger in the creeks in hopes
of finding another oppor-
tunity to breed.
Photo Credit Rene Reyes