Matty Wong Fishes Japan by Jessop Petroski, Page 3

Matty Wong Fishes Japan by Jessop Petroski, Page 3


Spring 2024

D-Jig by D-Style (Daisuke Aoki)

Gap Jig by BottomUp

adding plastic to a soft bait to change the fall rate or swim. The most subtle changes in a bait can make a huge difference to a Japanese angler. I’ve learned a lot from them.”


During previous visits to Japan, Matty enjoyed the country as any typical visitor would, but this time he wanted to experience what bass fishing in Japan is really like.

Fellow Elite Series pro, Takumi Ito, welcomed Matty to spend some time with him and gave access to his garage which would put most American “dream” garages to shame.

But incredible garages are not what Matty came to experience, for him, it was time to get out on the water!

“We fished the Tone River near Taku’s home, and he showed me just how difficult a fishery can get,” Matty recalled. “We fished all day for a couple bites. He caught one bass to show for a full day on the water and I blanked. Taku’s a true testament that tough fisheries make incredible fishermen.”

Despite the challenging conditions, going out and fishing in Japan will always present new experiences.

“I learned how to flip concrete tetra pillars which was a first,” Matty added. If you’re coming to Japan, there’s one

lake that’s fabled in minds of all avid bass anglers - Lake Biwa.

“I got to visit Shiga; it was my first time to Lake Biwa,” Matty shared. “It was pretty surreal. This was a lake I remember seeing on a video game as a kid. It was a bucket- list for me to check off and actually fish this lake.

“I was given the heads up from multiple anglers that it’s the toughest lake and that this time of year is extremely difficult as well. It was kind of neat flying in a bass boat and thinking to myself that there’s a world record bass that lives in these waters.”

This lake is known as the “Mother Lake” in Japan and is one of the oldest lakes on Earth. However, the non-native largemouth bass have made their home here and thrived in this unique environment, bringing with it opposition on catch-and-release policies as well as immense fishing pressure all year round.

Meeting up with local legend and fellow Elite Series pro, Kenta Kimura, Matty got to check off the bucket-list item.

“Kenta took me for a ride in a crazy fast Bass Cat and I got to fish some pretty cool offshore cover,” Matty continued. “There was massive bass everywhere, but they didn’t want to eat, it was pretty frustrating. Although it was

Vision One Ten

page 44

Original I-Motion Bait