5 Tactics to Improve Your Texas Rig Fishing by Scott M. Petersen, Page 2

5 Tactics to Improve Your Texas Rig Fishing by Scott M. Petersen, Page 2


he Texas-

rig has

been a main fixture in bass

fishing for many years

and through that time

it has gone through

some changes.

In 1949, Nick

Cream invented the

first plastic worm

that we all take for

granted now. Nick

had a few tries at

making a rubber worm

version, but the results

were mixed. Not

satisfied Nick turned

his attention to an

emerging plastics field

which showed more

promise. He started to

explore plastics options

from DuPont, where a

lab tech gave him a few

chemicals to try.

Working with these materials he cooked up mixtures

that he poured into a worm mold that he made from steel

and thus the first plastic worm was made. Refining his

mixture Nick produced the first plastic worm that looked

alive and was fishable creating bass fishing history.

Let’s take a deeper dive into today’s Texas-rig fishing

and give you five tactics to improve your fishing today.


One of the biggest changes to come to Texas-rig fishing is the use of tungsten weights. This has been a slow movement through the years. There are really three material players in the sinker landscape. Lead is first, and is still the most carried among fishermen. It is widely available and is the most cost-efficient on the market.

Next up is steel. Bullet weights are the only manufacturer of


steel weights in the

fishing market. These

sinkers are slightly

larger in size than lead,

but steel is a harder

material than lead so

the feel that you get

from steel is improved.

Last up is

tungsten. Tungsten is

the hardest of all three

and weight density is

the highest. You end

up with a smaller size

weight and the best

transmissions of feel,

because of its harder

material. The downside

of tungsten is cost. Of

the three options, it is

the most expensive.

Many fishermen have

accepted this and have

slowly turned towards

tungsten as their

sinkers of choice.

Here is how I manage this situation. When it comes to fishing in weeds, I will use either a lead or steel sinker option, as there is no sinker material advantage. When fishing hard bottom situations, I use a steel or tungsten sinker. I get better feel from these materials to help break areas down better.


This is a category that some fishermen get confused on.

They see someone

peg their weight, so

they think that they

are doing something

wrong, so they start

to peg their weight.

There are reasons for

pegging your weight.

When fishing in

weeds (casting) you

are best to leave your

weight unpegged.

One of the reasons

for this, as your sinker

is falling it many

times will separate

from your bait and

your sinker will fall in

front of your worm

or plastics. To the

bass this looks like a

fish (worm) chasing a

baitfish (sinker) that

fact can trigger bass

to strike your worm.

Spring 2022
