Spring 2018
The first thing to consider
Since we know we’re going to
when running and gunning from
be running and gunning the next
pond to pond is how you’re going
consideration is how much tackle
to transport your kayak from the
are we going to bring. The kayak cart
parking lot to the pond.
makes transporting your kayak from
Out of all the fishing
A to B easy, but if you bring an extra
equipment I’ll talk about in this
hundred pounds of gear, even with
article, there’s nothing more
a great kayak cart, you’re going to
important than a good cart. I fish
tap out when it comes to reaching
out of a 2018 Hobie Pro Angler 14
spots that are further away from the
with a rigged weight of just under
parking lot.
145 pounds. Without a solid kayak cart that performs flawlessly, moving any kayak more than 50
First fish last spring caught while scouting a new pond
What I do is keep my tackle to a minimum bringing only essential baits that have proven their
yards is almost impossible.
worthiness over the years as top
With a great kayak cart and
performers during the spring season.
understanding where to put it, you can easy cart a PA 14 as far as you need to go.
For my Pro Angler, I prefer the Hobie Heavy Duty Plug-
I use my computer a night or two before I’m heading
In Kayak Cart for a few reasons. First and foremost, when
out and map out a plan. Usually state DNR’s have valuable
my kayak is on top of the Plug-In cart I don’t have to worry
information on their websites regarding stocking reports,
it slipping off like I would with other types of kayak carts.
rules and regulations, etc. The first thing I look for in bodies
Another reason I love the Plug-In carts is after you’re done
of water that I’ll be scouting is rules prohibiting gas motors,
transporting your kayak to the lake you can flip them around even better if no motors are allowed.
and stick them in your scupper holes while you’re fishing. I’ll
The next thing I’ll do is go up and down the Master
explain more about kayak carts in my video tip for this article. Angler (MA) award list in the state. I’m in looking for pond