Who Needs Who ? by Ken Duke

Who Needs Who ?
 by Ken Duke

n W eed H s O ?




n 2016, the Bass Fish-

ing Hall of Fame will

induct George H.W.

Bush, Billy Murray and Gary Yamamoto, bringing

the total number of induct-

ees to 62 since the organi-

zation first began honoring

individuals in 2001.

With congratulations to

President Bush and Messrs.

Murray and Yamamoto, this

article is not about them or

their accomplishments in the

world of bass fishing. Instead,

it’s about three other men


who are not being inducted in 2016 despite having credentials that would rival or exceed any other honoree in the hall.

I’m talking about Dr. James Alexander Henshall, James Heddon and Jason Lucas. If you’re not familiar with their accomplishments and count yourself as a bass fishing fan, it’s time to brush up.

Henshall (1836-1925) wrote the first book about bass fishing in 1881 (Book of the Black Bass). Eight years later, he wrote the
