Westernbass Magazine - FREE Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - Spring 2015, Page 48

Westernbass Magazine - FREE Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - Spring 2015, Page 48



move the cursor on

the rock pile on the

LSS sonar screen.

Now, hit the WPT

key twice and your

waypoint is placed.

The next time you

go to that waypoint

(if you are heading

due north again) just

like when you placed

the waypoint, the location will be as accurate as the

EPE allows. (EPE is “Estimated Position Error”) Let’s

say you are heading in the opposite direction (due

south) as to when you placed the waypoint, then the

waypoint will be 20 feet off.

When the original waypoint was placed the

transducer was over the rock pile, the GPS antenna was

10 feet north of the rock pile at the console. If you are

traveling due south when you want to find the rock pile

the next time, then when the GPS antenna gets right

over the long and lat where the waypoint was placed,

the transducer is 20 feet north of the actual rock pile so

you won’t see the rock pile on the screen. You will need

to continue on the same course and you will go over it or

if you are coming from a different direction, do a couple

circles and you will find the rock pile.

For the best accuracy, install an external GPS

antenna on the back carpet as close to the transducer

as possible. If the antenna is 1 foot to the right of

where the ‘ducer is, offset won’t matter. because the

LSS sonar footprint will be showing the rock pile on

the screen.


I have two HDS units networked

with an Ethernet cable. My menu

settings keep changing on the two HDS units. What is going on here?


An Ethernet network cable will transfer sonar and settings data along with GPS and temperature settings like the NMEA network. When you make a menu settings change on one of the units, unhook the Ethernet cable. After you have the settings


change, make sure

the scope was

changed from

“global” to “local”

in that unit. Then,

reconnect the

Ethernet cable.

Global means any

device in the boat.

Local means only those devices connected to that unit.


I just installed an HDS 8 on

my Skeeter. It works great, even

maintained a bottom signal at 60 MPH. My question is about cleaning the screen. The manual says to use Windex Multi-Surface Vinegar cleaner; but, the manual doesn’t mention what kind of cloth to wipe it with. I don’t want to damage the anti-reflective coating on the glass.


A microfiber cloth is best. Any big box store or auto parts store will sell these in bulk bundles. Don’t use paper towels, because paper is made from wood and can scratch the screen over time. Don’t use your hand towel or sleeve either, because they may have debris on them that can cause scratches also.
