Spinnerbaits In Depth by Jen Edgar

Spinnerbaits In Depth by Jen Edgar


Story & Photos


in depth


he spinnerbait has been in use

since 1951 and are still just as valu-

able today. A spinnerbait is one of

the most flexible baits, effective in the complete range of the water column,

any time of the year.

There aren’t many types of baits you can

say that about. A lead head of varying weight,

combined with a wire frame, hook covered

by a skirt and one or more blades provides

a smooth, flowing action that mimics a few

different prey types to bass. Most commonly,

the blades and flash in the water most

identifies as a swimming, or wounded baitfish.

Breaking down the components of a

spinnerbait is the best way to understand

this lure and ultimately gain the confidence

needed to catch more fish.


Therearetwocategoriesof spinnerbaitsin myexperience-afixedheadandaloosehead. Ihadonlyeverfisheda fixedheadspinnerbait withmuchsuccessbeforeIhadbeenintroduced toalooseheadversiondesignedby NuTech Lures,butwewillget into that later.


There are three common blade types used on spinnerbaits: Willow leaf, Colorado and

Indiana . These blades can stand alone, or be combined for greater flash, noise and weight.

Single blade designs often produce better in deeper, clearer water, or when fish aren’t actively feeding. In cold water, use blades that create the most water resistance, because this allows a slower presentation. For low light conditions, and in heavily stained water, use single blades for more vibration. In real muddy water, use a 1/2-ounce bait with a big blade.

Tandem blade spinnerbaits often work best in murky water or when fishing grass or thick cover, providing more flash. For example, in visibility of 2 feet or more, use a 1/4-ounce bait with tandem willow leaf blades.

Colorado blades for bass in early prespawn, for pressured bass and for sluggish bass in shallow water. They produce the most

