Westernbass Magazine - FREE Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - Spring 2014, Page 19

Westernbass Magazine - FREE Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - Spring 2014, Page 19

So there we sat, Dee with his coffee and ciga- rette and me with my grump on while watching rod tips - something I had been doing for hours. I was kept thinking he would never finish that damn cigarette and that damn cup of coffee. If there was ever a man at peace in this world it was the guy sitting next to me. He looked like he was as happy as a person could be. Content with the world, sipping his coffee, pulling drags off that cigarette, watching a bay that was tumul- tuous all night long, now becoming calm and what seemed to be repentant.

Finally, the coffee was just about gone and that cigarette didn’t have but one more drag in it. I was happy this miserable trip was almost over. I would have hoped at any rate.

Dee still had the butt in his lip just getting ready to get rid of it when the unthinkable happened. Now, I am not a religious man - matter of fact I am an atheist, but on this particular occasion I think God must have been tweaking my nose, because just sec- onds before we were going to pull the rods Dees’ lights up. I saw it and oh yes he saw it as well.

I said, “okay, lets pull them and get out of here.”

He laughed and said, “now let’s just wait a minute here...

I replied with a few more choice words that came to mind.

The bite was almost invisible, but it was there and it was real. A couple of seconds went by and there it was again. He picked up the rod, flipped the drag off and again, the line jumped. It started to spool out slowly at first then gaining speed, finally the fish had it and it made its run. The last run the fish would ever

make. Dee fought the fish. The end results were the same as the other three and our limit was filled.

One thing funny about life. There are always two ends of the spectrum. On one end you have laughter and happiness and on the other end you have crying and unhappiness.

You can imagine which end of the spectrum my mind was occupying right at the moment. You can also guess where Dee was placed in that spectrum,