KaYaK Bassin’
exas bass kayak angler Pat Kellner stays busy with everything involving just that - kayak bassin’. We caught up with Pat to see what he had to say about spring bass angling and tournament angling from a kayak. He was eager to share his bass fishing tips and knowledge of the sport.
WB: Guiding, instruction, fun fishing - you sound like you are a busy man - what is it that you do? PK: i do a lot; but basically i kayak fish and do everything that
Photos provided by Pat Kellner
By Tina ranieri
with Pat Kellner
revolves around that. i guide and instruct in kayak fishing and i fly fish from a kayak for fun. i also publish a kayak fishing blog, Fish tattoo that has great bass fishing and kayak fishing tips and techniques as well as articles on conservation, health and fitness and countless other things, all that at least semi-relate to kayak fishing. i own a custom fishing company, P.H. Kellner - Quality Custom Fishing. i build custom fish- ing rods (salt, fresh and fly), build some custom jigs, and create artwork. artwork and rods seem to be the best sellers. i will be introducing a line of kayak fishing gear (with rods, custom crates, etc.) soon.