this Saturday. Then, if there is a weather change there is more to think about.
(includes rods & reels)
on orders $29.99 or more
Yumbrella umbrella rig
Yum 5” moneY minnoW
$ 49
another thing to think about is how to position your boat in $ 79 relation to the cover sTrike king kVd 1.5 you are fishing and & 2.5 squarebill crankbaiTs the bait you are using. $ 19 if the bass are hitting $ 49 sTrike king Hack your crankbait aTTack 1 oZ. jig 3-feet from the shore, don’t stay spro dean rojas 20-feet off $ the 99 signaTure series bronZeYe frog 65 and cast to Zoom bank Trick Worms the bank. Get that boat 6 or 8-feet off the bank and cast parallel to the bank with your crankbait. This will keep the bait in the zone longer and allow you to cover water more efficiently and find more bass. Work into the wind for better boat control. if fishing offshore structure and the wind is blowing, use a marker buoy to keep your position on the structure. Be a thinking fisherman and pay attention to all the variables that affect your success.
although i have plenty of questions asked by guys who are looking for sponsors that i think this is something that could be addressed to help those of you who want to go further in this sport. i’ll warn you now that a sponsor is not just someone who gives you free stuff. i’ll need more time to explain what i’m referring to about sponsorships; so come back to the december issue of this magazine and i’ll talk more in my article on “How to Get and Keep Sponsorships”.
talking about success, if you are anything like me, as you have success you may start thinking of moving up the ladder to bigger tournaments. i went from being an am - a co angler - to the pro in the front of the boat. This is a natural progression and i learned more the first year as a boater than i learned in three years as a non-boater. as i had success, i also found a team partner for those local team tournaments i wanted to fish. Then successes in those tournaments lead me to try to find some partners to help me with my “overhead”. i started sending out resumes and making phone calls to various companies whose products i had my success with. i started looking for sponsors. This was something i chose to do; but, it’s not for everyone.
Issue 5
October 2012