Westernbass Meet The Writers, Page 4

Westernbass Meet The Writers, Page 4

MaRC MaRCanTonio

Respected outdoor columnist Marc Marcantonio won his first fishing derby at age 5, and caught the previous Delaware State record largemouth bass (8.5 lbs) at age 16. He possesses many large fish awards and is possibly the record holder of the single largest limit (5 fish) of Spotted Bass ever caught, weighing 28 lbs 14 oz, from Lake Perris, CA in 1982. He’s garnered three IGFA records (including a line-class World Record) for walleye and for smallmouth bass. A retired Lt. Colonel from the US Army, Marc worked as a Fisheries Biologist, and now manages a water utility in addition to being owner and President of West Coast Tackle & Co. In addition to speaking at Outdoor Shows, he teaches fishing classes and is regularly featured in many publications, including advertisements and cover photos, and is often a guest on radio shows.

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MIkE FolKEsTad

Mike Folkestad is, without argument, a “Legend” & “Icon of the West” in the sport of bass fishing. With earnings of over $1,500,00 over a 37 year career That includes highlights such as winning a Bassmaster Invitational on the Lake Harris Chain, FL with the lowest winning weight ever in B.A.S.S. tournaments. Folkestad is the only 3-time winner of the US Open. He’s caught and released 186 bass that weighed over 10 lbs. His best five bass limit is 56 lbs 2 oz. And his largest bass weighed in at a whopping 17 lbs 4 oz at Clear Lake, CA. Folkestad has no favorite fishing method, “I enjoy it all. What ever they are biting, I’m throwing.”

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RaNDY pRinglE

As a tournament angler for over 31 years Randy Pringle has won 24 events on various bodies of water 75 top ten finishes. Pringle is the owner of The Fishing Instructor-Guide Service, guiding over 200 days a year, and the popular web site the Fishinginstructor.com, which receives hundreds of hits each week with a newsletter publication monthly. He’s the Director for the Anglers Choice Western Rookie League Division running twelve events annually with 90 to 100 plus boats per event and organizing their Tournament of Champions featuring over 130 boats. Pringle write articles for numerous magazines and other web sites, is a regular on radio shows and television, with appearances nationally and internationally. As a featured seminar speaker that also teaches bass fishing classes at Delta College.

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Russ Meyer has been tournament fishing as a pro for the last 24 years. Starting in1990 through 1999, Meyer fished full time, spending an average of 250 days per year on the water. During those nine years, he was either guiding or involved in a major tournament somewhere between the Colorado River lakes and Socal lakes to all of our Norcal lakes. Meyer has been living in Reding, Ca for the last 17 years, selling real estate for Coldwell Banker C&C Properties for the last thirteen. Russ still enjoys tournament fishing and fun fishing as much today as he ever did and has no plans to stop tournament fishing. Though he may slow down during a few years, here and there, the passion never dies.

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