Rapala Crush City | Punch, Flip, Get Bit, Page 3

Rapala Crush City | Punch, Flip, Get Bit, Page 3

Fall 2024


the various dams and facilities, there is amazing opportunity to construct habitat features for bass (e.g. rockpiles, walls, buried root wads, spoils piles, etc.). Coupled with the rolling hill topography with medium to shallow depths – plenty of bass production potential. No steep canyon walls or many trees – so plan to bring your sun hat.

Since we do live in California – the recreational bass fishery will be the last thing considered on this project. However, with the right combination of bait fish and bass stock, there is amazing potential despite California’s inept bureaucracy.

Historically in California, fish species were moved throughout the State via the State and Central Valley project conveyance facilities. However, this off-site storage facility will be a bit different. The state-of-the-art fish screen at the primary diversion site, Glenn Colusa Irrigation District headworks at Red Bluff, would presumably limit significant introductions of fish via the Sacramento River and there is little to no existing fish fauna in the small tributaries where Sites will be constructed; thus, introduction of fish would be primarily at the behest of the State.

It would take at least 3 to 5 years of stocking and natural production to get the fish communities and population to begin surviving and colonizing the reservoir. Fortunately, the early years in a reservoir’s life are typically quite productive and should provide the conditions necessary for young fish to flourish. Realistically, based on my professional opinion it would then be 4 to 8 years

for a “good” bass fishery to develop with the right stocking, conditions and management.

While considerable headway for this project to come to fruition has already occurred – there are still considerable obstacles.

I think the project will happen – but I would be pleasantly surprised if it happens within their current anticipated schedule. •

Our job in the bass fishing community will be to keep apprised of the progress and if/ when there is any opportunity for public comment or participation regarding the fishery management plan, we are all ready to provide constructive input. I will do my best to keep abreast and update via the magazine or Westernbass forum in the future.

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