Dean Rojas share frog fishing tips to catch more bass by Scott Petersen

Spro pro Dean Rojas give frogging tips to catch more bass



When it is time to pick a bait to fish a frog in open

water, the Spro Bronzeye Shad is a top option for

Rojas. With a built-in walking action, this bait will not

move a great distance; but it will generate strikes from

bass that need a little extra encouragement to eat a

bait that is over them.

Rojas will skip trimming the frog’s legs, if he wants

less movement from the lure. If you leave the legs

long, the frog will not move less with each twitch. This

trick will keep the frog in the strike zone longer.

“Spro makes four different baits in the frog

category and each has a different action and use

when it comes to frog fishing,” added Rojas. “I have

certain conditions that I turn to and fish when it

comes these baits. The best way to learn is to tie

each bait on a rod and fish it in a few different types of conditions to see what Spro frog excels in the

conditions you are fishing”.

FALL 2017