THE “ONE-TWO” PUNCH: Pair Up Your Baits For Knock-Out Results by David A. Brown

Pair Up Your Baits For
Knock-Out Results
by David A. Brown



e’ve all enjoyed those magical mo- ments when our first cast meets with aggressive reception, but that’s hardly the norm. reality tells us that determining the fish’s preference usually requires a process of trial and error. essential to this process is a well-planned line- up of primary and secondary baits – kinda like the old one-two punch.

By DaVID a. BroWn

Story & Photos

pair up your baits for knock-out results

There’s no denying the merits of junk fishing, but there’s more to successful bass fishing than randomly grabbing lures and hoping for the best. in some cases – topwaters, for example – the fish will dictate when you reach for that follow-up bait. Picture the scene: You fire off a cast and unleash a killer dog- walking retrieve. The enticing saunter impresses the local largemouth too, because somewhere between sashays – KaBooM! The fish blows a huge hole in the water, but the bait remains at the surface. it’s frustrating, but sometimes bass just miss. Maybe it’s intentional – i.e. scaring off intruders while nesting or guarding fry –

