Westernbass Magazine - Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - August 2012, Page 3

Westernbass Magazine - Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - August 2012, Page 3


By Wayne Wasulko

amidst these 100-degree days, the summer bass fishing events are still making waves

on the California delta. The Snag Proof open closed their scales this month with a 170 boat

turnout and the river2Sea tournament and BassFest events are just around the corner.

This summer has been filled with talk of the survival of the delta and its current 1,000

miles of waterways as we know it. i encourage anglers to join us in backing the efforts of

Bobby Barrack and restore the delta and their energies to help stop any political actions that

don’t have the best interest of the delta and its continued environmental health at heart.

Since we last talked, WesternBass has had the opportunity to attend the 2012 iCaSt. it

was an awesome show and we were happy to catch up with old friends and meet many new

ones. at this mid-summer date, WesternBass is really excited about all our new features

and capabilities on the site, like iPhone embedded video directly within a post. This new

feature will allow us to go to different events and create a post with video on the event within


Good fishing! Wayne

august 2012 • Volume 2, Issue 4

EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher - Wayne Wasulko Content editor - Jody only

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS/PHOTOGRAPHERS/ VIDEOGRAPHERS eddie Bass, tyler Brinks, david Brown , George Kramer, Jody only, andy Manahl, dan o’Sullivan, Ken Sauret


WesternBass.Com® Magazine P.o. Box 1278 Citrus Heights, Ca 95610 (916) 782-9540

Unsolicited manuscripts, accepted and, if not used, returned. Unsolic- ited email attachments will be deleted without opening. Please submit query letters detailing story ideas. reader-submitted letters and photos may be published without notification, and all rights retained by WesternBass.Com® Magazine.

August 2012

ADVERTISING Sales/Marketing Manager - John Caulfield (916) 417-7127  john@westernbass.com

ADmINISTRATION Publisher - Wayne Wasulko (916) 782-9540  wayneg@westernbass.com

WesternBass.Com® Magazine

Volume 2, issue 4, august 2012


This is a Free publication to all internet users. Copyright © 2012 WesternBass.Com® Magazine. all rights reserved. Manufactured and presented in and from the United States of america for all bass anglers worldwide.

Issue 4


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