Fluorescent Green Crawdad
Baby Bass Red Gill
Lucky 13 ®
Every Lucky 13 produces a deep, resonating sound that drives gamefish crazy. Long considered one of the best lures made for catching schooling fish, the size and action of the Lucky 13 make it a true fresh and saltwater multi-species bait (bass, pike, stripers, white bass, speckled trout, redfish and other inshore species).
Lucky 13 Specifications Chart
Model Name
In cm
X2500 Lucky 13
3 3 / 4 9.44
X2400 Baby Lucky 13 2 5 / 8 6.54
oz g Hooks 5 / 8 17.4 #2 3 / 8 10 #2
Colors BBR, BF, RH, GRA Available in all colors below
BBR Baby Bass
Red Gill
NBLG Black
BF Bullfrog
RH Red Head
GRA Fluorescent
Green Crawdad