Berkley 2015 Catolog, Page 20

Tough as Iron-smooTh as sIlk!

berkley ® IronsIlk ®

Berkley ® IronSilk ® is the only super-polymer mono fishing line that features a built-in molecular reinforcing network. This dramatically improves abrasion resistance, durability, and fighting power at a thinner diameter than other abrasion resistant lines.

• Tough as Iron - ouTlasTs oTher “Tough” lInes 2 To 1. even over zebra mussels and oysTer beds.

• smooTh as sIlk - exTremely smooTh surface for long and smooTh casTs

• ulTra-low memory - vIrTually no coIls. handles greaT on spInnIng and casTIng reels.

• sensITIvITy wITh shock sTrengTh - a breakThrough combInaTIon of properTIes.

• maxImum uv resIsTance

Filler SpoolS 300 yd


6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 lb.

ToUGH AS iroN outlasts other “tough” lines 2 to 1.

SMooTH AS SilK extremely smooth surface for long casts.

UlTrA-loW MeMorY Handles great on spinning and casting reels.

SeNSiTiViTY WiTH SHoCK STreNGTH A breakthrough combination of properties.