A L W A Y S U S E T H E B E S T L I N E ®
C A S TA B L E I N V I S I L I N E 100% F LU O RO C A R B O N
Precision, stacked winding plus large arbor spool virtually eliminates line memory.
C A S T S L I K E M O N O & I T ’ S V I RT UA L LY I N V I S I B L E .
100% Fluorocarbon & virtually invisible • Resistant to ultra violet rays that can damage lines Super strong, abrasion resistant & incredible sensitivity • Low-stretch index for optimal hook setting power Sinks 4 times faster than traditional nylon lines, getting your presentation to the strike zone faster Exceptional handling for spinning & casting reels Exclusive G2 Precision Winding ™ virtually eliminates line memory
SPECIFICATIONS 100 Yd. Spools (3/Carton – 36/Case)
Lb. TeST / Dia.
3 / .006” .................................................................................... 680-903C 4 / .007” .................................................................................... 680-904C 5 / .0075” .................................................................................. 680-905C 6 / .008” .................................................................................... 680-906C 7 / .0085” .................................................................................. 680-907C 8 / .009” .................................................................................... 680-908C 10 / .011” .................................................................................. 680-910C 12 / .012” .................................................................................. 680-912C 14 / .013” .................................................................................. 680-914C 17 / .016” .................................................................................. 680-917C 20 / .017” .................................................................................. 680-920C
SPECIFICATIONS 200 Yd. Spools (3/Carton – 36/Case)
Lb. TeST / Dia.
3 / .006” ................................................................................... 680-003C 4 / .007” ................................................................................... 680-004C 5 / .0075” ................................................................................. 680-005C 6 / .008” ................................................................................... 680-006C 7 / .0085” ................................................................................. 680-007C 8 / .009” ................................................................................... 680-008C 10 / .011” ................................................................................. 680-010C 12 / .012” ................................................................................. 680-012C 14 / .013” ................................................................................. 680-014C 17 / .016” ................................................................................. 680-017C 20 / .017” ................................................................................. 680-020C